Monday 16 December 2013

playschool-attach multiple kids

march 29

at 3 years old, he still does not know Which is different.
I've tried a couple of times with a different worksheet.

anyway, if you are still wondering,
i have stopped doing all these, at the moment.

im not even sure if i will continue doing them, with kj. or even with matty.
*gasp to myself*

i'll talk about how i cope with 2 children later.

baby matty is in my tummy in this photo :)

very simple puzzle.
a 2-piece puzzle.

4-piece puzzle

match the animals.

oct 5

grocery shopping

he can maneuver the shopping cart, which impresses me.

we parents are easily impressed with our children's achievements, don't we? 

arranging from small to big.

he knows small, medium big.
but not big, bigger, biggest.
what is the word for this?

self correct

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