as u can see, teochew porridge is like RICE flooded in SOUP.
some people cant take this.
i have a friend, how do i say it?
she cannot accept this 'concept'
she prefers gooey broth.
her dad used to eat rice with water when he was poor once upon a time.
hence she does not eat teochew porridge since then.
teochew style porridge is called moey.
cantonese style porridge is stickier, thicker and gooey. it is called chok
dad likes to patronize this Teochew restaurant behind Times Square/Pudu jail. Jalan imbi.
how i missed those times.
it would be usually late at night for supper and i would share half a bowl with mom.
mom would usually encourage me to drink more of its soup/water than eating the rice grains.
she said it has cooling effect.
why is Teowcheow porridge more popular than cantonese style porridge?
you have never come across CANTONESE PORRIDGE RESTAURANT have you?
another point to ponder,
whats the diff between congee and porridge?
there are many versions.
well, one that ive found is, congee can consists of vegetables, meat or broth. but porridge doesnt.
porridge is a broader term that includes all cereals cooked in water.
chinese would usually cook congee.
over here in scotland, they refer to oats as porridge :)
speaking of porridge or congee,
i missed the side dishes which are usually eaten with it.
congee is her highness's favourite.
and also her la sao (cantonese)
i want salted egg:(
i can eat it on its own!
and hey! ive whipped up a dish yesterday! which can be a perfect accompaniment with congee! :)) will show in the next post! :))
ok, ive digressed.
let's go back to Chaoyen. *smirk*
most expensive dish. :( ahahhaha coz i think i paid for the bill? :p
aiyah, even if its not, still sakit hati wert.
coz it tasted so much like STEAMED CUSTARD EGG!
hence, service charge and government tax *damn*
totaled up RM59.55
i love yam! i love yam!
i remembered there was once, after dinner,
i had to have dessert.
went to ss2 but got stuck at the traffic lights near Murni, jam la for godknows what reason.
ss2 formosa then came to mind.
dont know if it was odd,
but i only ordered their few cups of pudding.
their recommended dish- yam something, needs to be pre-ordered, so that they can prepare before hand.
they need 1 hour or so.
i seemed to like underground stuff.
no pun intended.
i meant tubers such as potatoes. whatever potatoes.
sweet potato. wood potato. ahahahah literal translation :p ubi kayu
whatever ubi
carrots. turnips. and yada yada...the list goes on.
oh! and i forgot to mention, u can add almost anything in porridge.
such as sweet potato, green beans, red beans.
u can imagine how delighted i was when i see the huge range of variety in China.
it is sad that i only have one stomach. :(
well just not long ago, i dont remember who. but someone claimed that he has never seen or eaten or heard of sweet potatoes in porridge.
that is one of the MOST COMMON type! and if he hasnt eaten it, then needless to say,
he doesnt know that u can add green beans into porridge
makes me want to cry
so sua ku (mountain turtle)
ok! i should stop being a meanie :p
starting to wonder if u in glasgow or malaysia. Teochew porridge nice lar!! Theres a good restaurant in starhil called Pak Loh Chiu Chow. Food comes in little portions. Kinda like chinese fine dining but quality is good.
great thing bout teochew cuisine is that its ching tam but very tasteful. hard to achieve when cooking!!
oh try pak loh chiu chow.. the lo ak there is very the good.
and ur ramblings bout yam!! yam cake, yam fish head, yam wif pork.....
ahahhaha! im all over the place lah! :p
ooo so u love teochew porridge! good! aiyah, ure not picky in food, which is great, really!
that should be the attitude!
the real food culinary king! ahahhah :))
people who enjoy food shouldnt be one! =)
ahh yeah pak loh chiu chow....never been. i usually go to Shook. dont quite fancy Jake's
wanted to the korean though. hmm but i still think korean would be better in Ampang. the little korean area
hard to achieve during cooking? more of a eater. ahahha paiseh
you are many steps ahead when u masuk kitchen and cook! that is why i have much admiration for u.
but please! i dont want to see your nose in the air k?
i love yam! all ubi ubi stuff! pumpkins! :)
as for yam with pork, i only eat the yam..ehehehhe
eh speaking of lo ak, have u tasted goose in HK? aihh...miss HK
eh im imagining, i will go crazy if we were to go to HK together!
all the food!
OH....i dun have any preferred or fav food. As long as the quality is good, Im for everything.!!
I kinda feel Shook is ovverated. Don't quite like what they do with the dishes there. Id prefer to go to Nerovivo in Changkat Bukit Bintang.
Cooking is a passion. Or maybe its something that I try and try again to remake a dish that i like to eat. Mainly due to the lack of food here in Germany. I gotta make what i want to eat.
Yeape..the under the bridge goose? or which goose? Please do not entice me wif hk food. It cost a bomb but the food is amazing..... I actually do plan to go to HK to eat. Actually I plan to eat in Macau, the roadside hawker stalls. Hve to be equipped with charcoal pills.
And i would like to go up to Shenzhen to try the food there. U get all kinda cuisines there from all over China. I have yet to explre food there. And i have a guide.
I am aiming to go in march, if my tour guide to shenzhen is there. If not, august or september shud work. Depending when i do my final thesis.
yes yes that's the attitude!!
shook is kinda overrated i guess..went a few times and...:S
been wanting to go to nerovivo but didnt managed to. too many places to go d la in KL. sigh.
ahahhaha uve got to make wut u wan to eat? eheheheh prob is i dun reli crave for mch msia food. i mean, i dont know , im doing fine so far without them :) but when i see them of coz i will not say NO la :p
under d bridge goose? duno wor. er, i went to yung kee? very papai wan wor it seems. dey wil closed a section if some celeb is dining there :S
love dimsum in cityhall! maxim or something...
macau roadside? oo never heard of this. i didnt have much time in macau so i dont know. r they dat bad that u nid charcoal pills? cud b worse than bangkok?
u have hols in march?how come u seem to have hols all the time!!! grrRRR
lucky u to have a guide in shenzhen. a local?
I dont really crave Malaysian food either. But even the standard Asian cuisine here is just too unbearable. The asian stalls here sell modified asian food tailored for the tastebuds of the Germans. I nearly puked and swore not to eat anymore of these food the 1st time i tried it. But then i got accustomed to it.....sadness...
KL has too many nice food. Everytime i go back to Msia, i will go to KL and eat for 2 weeks or smth. I love El Cerdo and usuallz i have to go have Sang Har Mee in Greenview in PJ. And theres this other restaurant tat sells fine Chinese Food which i haven tried. HEard that the food is good there but overly expensive. Konon perfectly fried egg cost like 5 ringgit to 10 ringgit for one.....
Its been sometime since i last went to HK. Im dying to go back there i have been spending my hols in Aussie usually. But yea....HK is def the place to feast. nice hawker food. Charcoal Pills, better be safe then sorry. Bangkok is not that bad lar i think.....
Yeap local in Shenzhen.
joshua ngu! I HATE U!
so r u home now in kch?
ive been wanting to go to el cerdo! but keep kenot get enuf kaki!!!
anyway, yes i agree. so can forget about getting asian food here. waste of money n stomach space! ahhaahaa
oo never ttried greenview. i go to the one in imbi :)
which chinese res u referring to?
fried egg? wth? what kinda gold fried egg dey frying?
haih..dun wan to speak of aus anymore :(
i had more vegetarian food den any other food. sigh. only rmbered having jap food in sydney near the harbour. but the vegetarian food were fantastic. :)
ahaha better to be safe than sorry. works more for guys. guys' motto! :P
love bangkok! :)
love the hotness! the ahkua's
pat pong! pole dancers!
only thing is i didnt watch tiger show!
i see...good. i want to go back to china :(
Comments here becoming super long!! Like writing essay!
Kenapa hate me?? Greenview is in SS19 opposite lisa de inn..the one in imbi i find not that impressive. I duno y.
The chinese restaurant oso i duno the name. Have to check wif my fren. Its normal food cooked really nicely and overly overpriced!
Go HK china..its on my list!!
greenview, yeah always pass by when go to dad hates big name chinese restaurants..usually go to tai thong when he needs to. other than dat, it is the black hokkien mee in jln maharajalela or KLANG BAK KUT TEH! i reli boycott bak kut teh u tel u!!!
so wut i wan to say is, hardly get to go to chinese resturants, if go with frens, den oso wont go to greenview la. dey wont wan to go. ehee. n if u go and order 1-2 dish..a bit funny :p
ahahahha so means i'll wait u to go back to kl! when im back there as well lah! ;) k? k?
yes china hk. china so huge. kenot habis jalan..ehehehe
ahhaa not really a big ass restaurant but yea i get the hawker stall food thing. Hate tai thong..dun think the food is that nice. why hate bkt? i think its nice leh....once in a while.
i usually go there order 2 dishes onli. sang har mee and also the crab. sei lar talking bout food.. tahan...
yeah..TT is boring..
even Overseas..think u can cook better!
bkt is nice once in a while. but josh? bkt with like really only MEAT. as in PORK. no mushrooms, no veggies. no toufu skin. nothing. the place he goes to is near Kamdar, Klang. u can ask ppl. they serve ONLY rice and BAK KUT TEH.
dad says the veggies will dilute the soup, hence d taste -______-
ahhaha ure going back, dun worry. ahahhaha wont sei wont sei..
i think it won lor....depends on waht vege...usually vege has water but if u control the thickness of ur soup before adding vege shud be ok mar....kam cham gu...very nice....
i dun really like bkt...never really study it..ahaha
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