im blogging at 5.53am!
ok, i should wake up at 6am today but since ive been waking up at 5.30am this week, guess my body has adjusted to the new time. bummer.
anyway, i should really blog this!
my dearest KJ fell off the bed yday! it was his second time already!
first was few months back, when he was 'immobile'. we thought he was immobile. he wouldnt budge when u put him in his bed. at that time, we didnt put up one side of the bed papan. no idea what u call it. so one side of the papan is raised and the other side is not. makes it easier for me to carry him on and off from his bed. * i need to bf him at night*
and one night, he just rolled and fell on MY bed! luckily my bed and his bed were just next to one another, with no gap. hb pulled his bed to our bed. so he fell and got stuck in between.
i instinctly woke up and quickly carry him up! awwwww. i whacked hb awake and he fixed the other papan immediately.
yday was his second time rolling off the bed. he was too quick! i put him on my bed and the minute i turned away, PLOP! he wanted to flip and instead he was off the bed, with his head stuck in between the gap. there was a gap this time, so he got stuck and his head hit the bed, his lower body were on the ground!
poor thing
he wanted to yell, on the verge of it and i managed to sooth him. hence he did not get to wail :)
after that, he dozed off and we had our dinner. i told his dad that he would wake up soon, he would usually nap for about 30 mins in the evening during dinner time.
his dad ignored me and true enough, when we were doing the dishes, i heard him wailing.
i dashed into the kitchen and found him in this position....
look at the droplet of tears..
and i think he can sit!!!
he'll sway after u propped him up for more than 3 mins