im taking 5 hours time-off this morning to stay home to iron clothes.
are u kidding me?
5 hours to IRON CLOTHES?
urm, 1 piece / hour?
erm, as well as to blog? :D
since i have the time of the world, without kj, ops, i need to de-clutter my blog!
and i found this MELAKA POST since ive uploaded the blog, i might as well post it up.
hb sneered at me, ooOOO nobody reads your blog anymore. can close down your blog. dont have to blog already -_-''
i feel like punching him
hello? what is the reason i blog?
definitely not to get readers. im not earning from my blog.
it provides a space for me to document certain epics of my life, a column where i can vent my anger and rant and grumble till there is no tomorrow, to let off my steam, and a place where i can update my friends with my activities and status.
i have been reading many mommy blogs this week and it made me long to get my own blog, with my own domain.
what i detest most about blogspot is the uploading of photos system! or whatever u call it. im bad with geeky vocabs :p
photos are important to me. i love seeing blogs with photos so i'd need to post photos in my blog!
lauyee told me it cost RM50 per year to maintain one blog with your own domain? how true is that i wonder.
50 ringgit is affordable
few more days before i hand in my Surat Penempatan and a handful of logbooks! i cant wait to set myself free!!
i can blog more often! im getting motivated to document kayjay's progress and blog more about my family, lest i forget (highly possible), especially the anecdotes.
need to revamp my blog's layout or something... :)
i love reading your update all the time! ;)
anyway, i used to think after prp year i will be super free. but hell no! darn is busy, busy, busy, all the time. le sigh..
take care there million~
thanks yieng!!
ure in opd KK pekan right? busy? u mean during work or u have homework to do? *gasp*
opd hospital pekan, not the kk though. erm, lotsa unseen responsibilities being frp. lotsa laporan to hand up and the human resourcing. urgh. well, maybe it's different in larger hospital whereby the frps are overlooked by many other senior pegawai. but in smaller hospital or kk, you have to handle lotsa things yourself..
All the best yea million... and wow, those baby stuffs aren't cheap, are they? *wipes off sweats* haha
ironing....! *screams*
i hate itttt.....
lol, how do I even reach your blog? I was searching for lauyee on google when I'm bored.
So now yes, for less than RM50 you can get your own domain name!
For more info refer to:
Just get the domain name and point them to
and for god sake, get a better theme for your blog when you are free!
Great to see that you're doing an awesome job (as always) as a mom, wife and blogger!
All the best!
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