Monday 14 January 2013

healthy sleep habits!

this is a timely article shared by a darling friend of mine, KK :)

Healthy sleep habits

Dr. Carol Lynn Rosen, medical director of the pediatric sleep center at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital, says she sees a lot of parents who complain that their child has daytime behavioral problems. Lack of sleep could be a culprit, she says.
Below are some easy checklists to follow.
Young children, 2-5 years old:
• Wake-up and bedtimes should be consistent every day of the week, with no more than an hour difference for school and nonschool nights.
• Naps should be geared for each child's individual needs, but remember that too long a nap can affect sleep at night.
• A child's bedroom should be comfortable, quiet and dark. A night light is OK.
• A child's room should be at a comfortable temperature at night, which is less than 75 degrees.
• Children should avoid caffeine, such as sodas and chocolate, for at least several hours before bed.
• The hour before bed should be quiet time, no rough play or watching exciting TV shows or movies.
• Children should spend some time outside every day and be involved in regular exercise.
• A child's bedroom should not be a place for time-out or punishment.
• Avoid putting a television in the child's room.
Older children, 6-12 years old
• Wake up and go to bed at about the same time every day of the week.
• No naps during the day.
• Establish consistent daytime routines, including regular meals and activities.
• Try to make the hour before bedtime a quiet time. Finishing homework earlier in the evening will allow for more "wind-down" time before bed.
• Avoid stimulating television, music, video games or phone conversations right before bedtime.
• Avoid caffeine for at least several hours before bed.
• Make the bed a sleep-only zone, no homework, television or computer use in the bedroom.
• Wake up no more than two hours later than your normal schedule on weekends. For example, if you normally wake up at 6 a.m. during the week, get up no later than 8 a.m. on weekends.
• Try to get some sunlight in the morning

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