Tuesday 13 May 2014

kuvings slow juicer

Kuvings wide mouth juicer

this is Gabby.

we have no regrets getting this.
their service is exceptional!

they carry a 10-year warranty on the motor, and other parts for a year.

i bought it last Nov.

and just this weekend, i broke the compression silicon. i emailed them on sunday night,
they replied me on monday morning.
and they will mail me the part soon.
isn't that fantastic??

between juice and smoothies.
honestly, i prefer to MAKE smoothies.
because they are so much easier to prepare and much easier to clean up!
just wash the thermomix bowl. that is all.
thermomix can do the washing for me.

as for this juicer, i need to prepare lots of veg and fruits before i juice (so that i don't need to always juice).
the preparation can get messy because i need numerous bowls/pails to soak few types of vegetable and fruit. then i need to cut them.
and finally juice them.
finally, wash up!

i store the juice in glass container, fill the juice to the top of the bottle and seal tight.
we drink sparingly and finish them in 3 days time. not sooner ;)

i was SOOOO glad last night when kayjay asked me for smoothies/juice when we were waiting for our Roast Chicken (at home).


he can now drink both smoothies/juices.

he is also trying to differentiate between juice and smoothie.

what to do with the leftover juice pulp?

1. compost
2. dehydrate
3. add into smoothies? yuck i wouldnt do that. too much fibres and the pulp are not tasty anymore. they are without juice, no?
4. add into muffins…maybe i would. haven't try. but i don't think i am desperate for the fibre.

hence, i usually do number 1 and 2 :)

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