Saturday 28 June 2014

smooth homemade yogurt

I am proud to announce that i have mastered how to make yogurt, the no frills way!
and i will be sharing it here.

if you do not follow my instructions closely, u will sometimes succeed, or if you succeed, you will get gritty yogurt like i used to get :p

i never knew that i could make a completely smooth yogurt.

i thought homemade yogurt is ugly and gritty sometimes.

imagine what we have been consuming prior to this ;)

when it gets too gritty, we throw away sometimes. HEHE

 smooth aren't they?
pardon my lousy camera

soooo smooth and creamy! :D

let me rant a little but before i spill the methods :p

I've had a yogurt maker given by my dear friends, but i do not need to use it anymore now.

remember i said no-frill method?

i read that we can add some milk powder to thicken the yogurt. well, not anymore now, i don't need them.

i used to make them in the thermomix because it has temperature control, but not anymore, i don't need to make using the thermomix.

our thermomix is a heavy work horse in our kitchen so it is good if i can let it rest for a while ;P

ok,here goes!

how to make yogurt successfully!

1 tbs sugar
1L fresh milk/ UHT milk
1tbs yogurt starter (plain yogurt)

1. heat up the milk in a pot. make sure u stand there and wait till bubbles forming at the sides. once u see bubbles forming, and if bubbles begin to form in the middle of the pot. off the fire.
do not over boil.
2. cool the milk, until it is warm to dip your finger in. (takes about an hour? depending on the environment/weather)
3. transfer the milk into glass jar / high heat plastic container. Stir in the sugar (food for the microbes ) and yogurt starter.
4. set aside. put in a quiet corner, warmest part of the kitchen. or if my oven is not in-use, i'll put it inside the oven.
5. after 12 hours, or less if it is a hot day, check if it has set. store in fridge.

i used to boil my yogurt on stove and do other things , busy mums like me need to multi-task :p but too bad, to get thick smooth yogurt, i need to hang around the stove and check on the milk ;)

best to make yogurt at night.
incubate at night where there is less activity in the kitchen.

okay, now if you want to make cheese yogurt, (yum! i add it into salads /make dips)

pour the yogurt into a cloth strainer before refrigerating,
position a bowl / container to collect the whey at the bottom.

you can still strain after refrigeration but maybe it would take a longer time to separate.

Note: utensils and containers must all be clean, without oil.

keep the whey in the fridge.
can use it to make cakes/cookies, add into smoothies and etc.

yogurt > greek yogurt > yogurt cheese (if you strain further)

i make my yogurt at night, next morning i strain it and go to work.
by lunch time i'll get yogurt cheese.

if u want greek yogurt, u can pour a little whey back into it and stir.

 never fails!

keep a few spoonfuls of the yogurt so that it could be used as a starter for the next batch.

some claim that u can't recycle too many times. some shared that we can. i don't know, I've recycled 3 times, will experiment further.


Unknown said...

so nice!!!
ive always wanted to make my own yoghurt but i find the temperature control etc too tedious!! but now i think i can try making some!! plain yoghurt is the normal yoghurt (plain) that i can find in supermarkets? as in those nestle etc ones that can be eaten straight right??

curiositykills said...

Sorry huiyin,took so long to reply! Completely forgotten about this :) yes,plain yogurt that u can get from supermarket. I find nestle brand is a little watery, so most of the time I use marigold.