Wednesday 2 April 2008

great. my things are making its presence everywhere

decided to dispose this incomplete piece which ive written last week rather than desert it as a draft as it would remain so for as long as God knows when.

had a good torture of myself.
had not been able to breath since last week! made it since exam.

the trip to redang was fabulous! before the flu though. right. i shall rant about redang later. :)
after redang, i came back and in less than a few hours, i went to work again.
note to men: it is not wise to buy condom first! i would advise you to make it as the last item in your to-buy-list! it is not clever to throw a box of condom in your EMPTY trolley. can u picture what im saying? ;)
this is my two cents :p
after working for 2 days, i had to be in uni practically for an entire day. and, im not done yet. that was also THE last day for me to move out of my room in vista komanwel. sad huh? im not sad nevertheless. in fact i was extremely STRESSED! i kept on procrastinate and ignored the call of needing to pack. i dread for the moment!! that is because i need to separate my belongings to 3 sections! section 1 would be the things that i constantly need to use thus they should be mobile and be at my disposal anytime i need em!
section 2 would be things that should be boxed and teleport to penang. 
last section would be things that should be shipped back home where i'll need to pour them out again and rearrange them.

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