Wednesday 20 August 2008

hair colour

Black is the original hair colour of the Homo Sapiens. Based on recent genetic information carried out at three Japanese universities, the date of the genetic mutation that resulted in blond hair in Europe has been isolated to about 11,000 years ago during the last Ice Age. Before then, Europeans mostly had darker hair and eyes, which is predominant in the rest of the world. The spread of blonde hair/blue eyes features may be attributed to sexual selection, as females with these features were deemed more attractive and younger-looking.

Why do people of Chinese/Japanese/Korean origin have the same hair colour?
I've never heard of an Asian person being born (of Asian only parentage) having any other hair colour than black while in the west hair colour seems vastly different on an individual basis. Is this something to do with the environment different humans evolved in and if so, what is the reason for different colour hair? Can any geneticists or anthropologists explain why this is?

Please note, I'm not making any kind of political or racist statement (or inviting any answers that do), I'm just fascinated to know. Its a shame I have to make a disclaimer like that but I know how people often mis-interpret such a question.

Additional Details

I guess my question is more around evolution. How and why did hair colour develop/evolve differently based on different regions of the world?


kxin said...

mine a bit chocolate colour without any colour dye... mayb rosak by the sun ? :P

i'm enjoy the leo ku's new song really comfort and relax to listen to the music... soooo sentimentsl =)

o ya i uploaded my composed song to my blog d ;) leave a commet there after ur exam when u r free ya =D

curiositykills said...

yes definitely. urs rosak liow confirm :p

nice riteeeeee..of coz. my choice of song :p
i love it as well.. sigh...

alright. will do mate. will do