Monday 7 October 2013

Sleeping on tummy

sept 29

matty is 3 months 3 weeks now, as im typing this.
everything is not according to timeline :p

photos here taken a week ago
he was sleeping on his tummy.

and he was fussing on the bed (he likes to turn left and right),
and when i flipped him over, this is what i found!

i know it is not advisable but i really dont want to ruin his beautiful head.
kj has a flat head.

i AM aware of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome).
well, you are the parent.
do what u think is right.

makes me laugh!

ok, back to sleeping on his tummy.
it is not an issue to me.
it depends on your child.

kj did not sleep on his tummy.
he refused.
what babysis did was to align him on one side and stuff pillows and bolsters.
means he sleeps one sided and she will alternate.

whilst he is at home, i did not bother doing that.
we bought a dimple pillow for him, which is crap i think.

the pillow is long lost and we did not repurchased this time.

if you think u want to get a dimple pillow, please get a good one, with latex?
i think i saw one Bumble bee brand which is tougher.

the one that we got was from Fiffy?
goes flat very fast. too fast.

we started putting matty on his tummy when he was about 2 months old.

lucky me he sleeps this way on his back.
the head and cheek lies flat on one side.

we were guessing the back of his head is large hence it makes it difficult for him to sleep with face up?

not every kid wants to sleep on their tummy.

even then, we vary his sleeping positions.
not all the time on tummy.

we started off with noon naps, where we will be around to watch.

slowly, i turned him over on his tummy at night.
but he wont be on tummy throughout the night.

first 'shift' will be on tummy.
when he wakes up for midnight/dawn feeding, i will turn him over and he will sleep on his back. so that i can nurse him and we continue sleeping after that.
i call that the second shift.

mother's instinct.
i know that he will not suffocate himself so that is when i allow sleeping on tummy.
it helps to make them feel secure.
at least they wont jerk easily.

in aunty's house,
she claimed that he could sleep better on tummy.

caught KJ holding his crotch.
ive reminded him a million times not to do that!

i use the word penis. yes.

dont touch your penis!

not too young to be using such words.
do not use other words such as kuku, jiaojiao, bird bird, wee wee, willy, and etc

we should always refer to them as it is. in proper names for all body parts.

no baby language.

a little frightened of the billy

look at the hand, doing the thing!
i dont know how to sound it out :)

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