Monday 2 September 2013

Let kids help out in the kitchen

practical life activity: helping out in the kitchen.

the remnants.
i tried to hold back my tongue.
look at my torn leaves!!

this was second trial.

from the looks of his face, he enjoys it, no?
he tried to pull the leaves but it was difficult.
so he says Mummy, it is so tight oh.

i beamed because he got the word correct, tight it is darling.

i showed him that he has to bend before pulling but he couldnt get it.
that is fine.

mummy, i help u to pluck vege? he chirps.

 like aunty O.

mummy, worms.
i had a shock.
I'm squeamish when it comes to worms yet i did not want to frighten him.
upon further checking, it was actually the nodes on the kangkung.
not worms kj.
yes. its worms!!!
ok. fullstop.
i kept quiet.

Aug 2013

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