Sunday 8 September 2013

why is my child always sick?

in the airport

the dad decided that he has to wear mask each time he flies

 hello kitty mask bought in daiso.
a packet of 2. means RM2.50 each.
oh dear! pricey

 yes, everyone is amused that he wants to even put on the mask

yeh, he put it on for 30mins, till we got up to the plane.
we had to coax him from time to time.
besides, the father himself also wears a mask.
leading by example?
uh, the father also always gets the bugs on plane.
so we're killing 2 birds with a stone

 after flying frequently for 3 years,
we came to realize that each time he flies, he'll be the victim to illness.

prior to that, i have always thought that he is a healthy and strong kid.
hardly ever falls sick.

except when we travel, he'll catch the flu and cough bugs inside the plane. darn.

also, his hygiene is awful.

constrained in the cabin,
his hand touches everywhere followed by scratching and wiping his face and whatnot.

nevertheless, we only treat the symptoms usually.

he rarely falls ill and becomes inactive.
he is usually ill and very active.
whenever a kid is active, they are fine.
remember to only treat symptomatically.

read this article.
parents, relax.

children are prone to illness when they begin school.
however, my child builds his immunity even before he attends school.

so parent, do relax.

he was never on antibiotic till today.
just once, we were not sure if it was bacterial, we gave him syrup amoxicillin for 2 dose and we stopped.
most of the time they were due to viral infection.

dont ask me how to diagnose.
even a doctor cannot be 100% sure.

but yeah, generally, antibiotic doesnt help viral infection.
and most of his illnesses were due to damn viruses.

now that he has started school,
there will be other bouts of flu.

im rolling up my sleeve.....

Feb 2013

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